Financial Technologies Forum
New trends in financial technologies: Blockhain, Cryptocurrencies and Security
About the Forum
Forum has the purpose of being the platform for dicussing new and upcoming trends in financial technologies, blockchain, cryptocurrency and also security issues arising with the onrush of such technologies. In order to contribute to the comprehensive awareness of the relevant stakeholders about them and facilitate to the formation of vision and current application of the technologies by financial institutions and other companies. Top and middle management of regulating authorities in the financial and economic sphere, top management of commercial banks, managers of commercial and public organizations, representatives of international financial institutions and embassies of foreign countries in Azerbaijan, as well as invitees from other countries.


Opening speech

Opening speech

Opening speech

Opening speech

Moderator of the Panel "Blockchain and cryptocurrencies"

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain – new opportunities or new risks

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies: initiative in the EU and the EU banks

ICO-reality of a quick startup or how to invest in a new-hightech without becoming nervous-sick
Tea break

Modern global trends and initiatives in the area of transactional banking (global payments innovation – GPI & instant payments initiatives)

Blockchain technologies as an instrument of global conpetition between countries
Blockchain and cryptocurrencies: trends in the USA
Lunch break

Moderator of the Panel "New trends in financial technologies"

Artificial intelligence. applications in banking
Current and future digital transformation of the Garanti Bank

Mobile wallet
Welcoming and Introduction

Moderator of the Panel "Security of Financial Technologies"

Security of digitalization

Fighting miners - why?

Impacts of the GDRP regulations of the EU

Classification and protection of data
Tea break

COBIT5 framework as internal audit standard of Industry 4.0

Cybersecurity of the SWİFT operations

ATM and payment card security

Analysis of the business impact at banks and other organizations